Monday, August 23, 2010

Free Ontario

Kontakt Film Productions has released the new trailer for the release of Free Ontario

horeshoe paddock video

Steve Powling threw this together for horeshoe thanks too Momar, Steve, and whoever else filmed it was a fun season there

The Paddock 2010 (Full Version) from Horseshoe Resort on Vimeo.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Switch visits Horeshoe

Beaver came to horeshoe last saturday to do some skating with the switch skate team i even got some shots lol. it was great skating with those kids check the edit

switch goes to Horseshoe from Beav Er on Vimeo.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

horeshoe adventure park

horeshoe resorts adventure park has some awesome skating this year come and check it out. i have some shots starting at 2:35

Horseshoe Resort Adventure Park Opening Day from Horseshoe Resort on Vimeo.

Don't Settle For One Coast When You Can Have Both

Andrew Sayer from wrote an article about the west and east coast check it out

promo for 2008/2009

thanks to everyone who helped me put this together it was a great year

Andrew Skelhorn 08-09 from NuuLife Cinema on Vimeo.